Friday, December 17, 2010

30 Shots, 11 Kids, 6 Adjustments, 1 Family Portrait

If you're thinking to yourself, "Wow, 11 kids in one picture (between the ages of 6 months and 13 years old) without anybody crying, hitting, yawning, looking away... running away... It's too good to be true!"

Well, You're right. Despite the fact that I took about 30 pictures of this same scenario, I didn't have a single shot where all the kids were 'on point'. In fact, 6 out of 11 of the kids in the above picture have been altered to make the final image. 

Most of the shots looked more like this:

The 3 year old just did not want to stand still and the baby was not happy that he had been awakened from his precious nap for this silliness. In actuality, it was a lot of fun to work with this family. They were full of energy, totally adorable, very patient and we had a lot of laughs together, BUT it was tough to get the money shot. So, I simply created it and I'm pretty happy with the end result. 

Monday, December 13, 2010

Ed the Hotdogger

While Ryan and I were downtown at the courthouse last week to be 'officially' married... we realized while waiting, that after a long days work, neither of us had eaten for hours... So, we went on a hunt for food nearby. What we found (or should I say who we found) was a wonderful downtown gem - he goes by the name, Ed the Hotdogger.

He sets up his cart on Jefferson and 3rd Avenue and makes the most delicious hot dogs - But even better then the hots dogs was the man himself. He wore a smile from ear to ear, he was kind and was very proud of his dogs (as he should be). Just being in his presence, I could feel the surge of positivity that gushes from him. I read a recent article about him that talked about how his beloved wife has cancer and has fought it multiple times - I can imagine that this is not the only hardship in this mans life. But from talking to him you would never know that the man has a worry in the world.

I like Ed the Hotdogger a lot, I just met him but I can tell in one short visit that he is a man who depicts what it means to be a hardworking, happy and grateful being.

If you find yourself downtown and hungry, I highly suggest you stop by his hot dog stand - it will be the best decision you make all day - for more reasons then one.