Monday, July 12, 2010

Lesson 2: The Camera, Framing and Visualizing

Last week, we focused a lot on getting to know our cameras. I am pretty familiar with all the different aspects and functions of my camera, however, I did learn that I have manual focus ring on the lens of my camera, which I was unaware of. I am so glad that I discovered that little ring, because now I never have to worry about the auto-focus not focusing on what I need to it to focus on ever again!

Our teacher also told us about an awesomely resourceful website: They give a ton of tips and tricks and it's all for FREE! I highly suggest you check it out!

Our assignment last week was on framing and visualizing. We were tasked with finding and shooting all 26 letters of the alphabet but here's the catch, it couldn't be something that was meant to be a letter (i.e. you can't find a 'E' on a sign and use that) AND, you can't use the same object twice.

Here are a few of my favorite finds:




Z: (This shot was taken at night with a shutter speed of 1.6 seconds and an f # of 4, without a flash)


  1. Well done Court!! We're enjoying Courtney Clicks

  2. Cool! I may challenge myself with this one. It's hard to see something else like a letter in an object... :o) I love the "E".
